
Love Caramel, Sushi, Green Tea, Camwhoreing and Red is my colour.
- Product Design Student.

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Zero Inspiration.
Sunday, July 25, 2010 || 3:02 PM

Adults often complain teenagers, saying we're self-absorbed, defiant and stubborn. We think that we're at the center of the universe. But those people don't look closely enough. We're also human beings with imagination, longings, hopes and aspirations.

I believed in myself.
Thursday, July 22, 2010 || 9:35 AM

Thanks for those who wish me happy birthday. They include Aaron Kwok, Ben Ong, Gerald, Stellah, Huimin, Ben Goh, Xiuli, Kelvin Leo, Kailing, Grace, Sheryl, Jaime, Aloysius, Cheryl, Zheng jie, Zining, Bernie Tan, Kenneth, Sherina, Hadi and Sini.
- Thanks for the wishes!

And I went clubbing with my 2 sisters after I turn 18. Hahahah!!

Couple of weeks ago, me and my mom saw a elderly fell down at Tiong Bahru bus-stop. My mom, my sist and I helped him up. After that he told us he don't even have the money to eat, so my mom generously took out 10 bucks and gave him. Then I was looking at the old man and I didint really believed him.

After few days, me and Melody went to the bus-stop, and we saw that old man again. Surprisingly he was still pretending felling down, after that said that he was pathetic and all. When I looked at his walking stick, (or whatever it is called), it looks rather familiar. Then that was the time when I recalled, before me and my mom saw him fell down, I already saw him once at the same bus-stop. It was when I took the escalator up the the second level, I saw an elderly fell down, and others was helping him up. And that was him, acting pity.

Isint he dumb? Why go to the same old places to fell down, act pity and then asked people for money? LOL, I wished him many luck not to get caught.

P/S: My six sense very accurate one okay.

I want a happy family.
Thursday, July 8, 2010 || 8:59 AM

• Time check; 8.55am.

3D was fun, but tough. It seems that I have to work very hard in order for me to get good grades. I cannot afford to miss a lesson. But unfortunetly, I skipped school today due to some family stuffs. Unpredictable. And this seriously scares me. God bless her please.

Utter Humiliation.
Friday, July 2, 2010 || 1:00 PM

Question: If you were happy with your boyfriend,
but he wasn't happy with you, was that happiness real?

Two more days to school re-open. First period, 3D Rhino. Can I do it?

Ate Griller yesterday with two of my sisters. It's been a long time since we went out together. It was a fun day though. ^^ After eating, er jie went to do her face, me and da jie went to do our hair. Da jie trimmed her hair and do treatment, I took out my extendsion, wash and treatment.

Answer: No.